Quarterly Newsletter: What’s New in Postalocity Q24 min read

What's New in Postalocity

Postalocity’s development team and support staff have one thing waaaaay up there on their priority list and that is to LISTEN. And because we are the owners, creators, and developers of Postalocity, we have all of the control. We want our customers to feel heard and encouraged to speak up if there is something they feel could improve their user experience. In this edition of Quarterly Newsletter: What’s New in Postalocity, we’ll go over the most recent updates and additions based on the feedback we get from our clients. Have a suggestion? What are you waiting for? Call us or email us today!

“Expand All” Button

This was a solution to a problem…..because of a solution to a problem. Let me rephrase: about half the time, we hear that Postalocity’s interface is confusing. After a few rounds of training from our staff, usually the user’s anxieties are completely relieved and the realize that maybe it just LOOKED confusing. It’s really part of the beauty and uniqueness to Postalocity – the miles-long list of available option combinations. We definitely don’t put our customers in a box. To remedy visual confusion, we adjusted the way the settings paged looked once a job was started. We collapsed all of the settings boxes to give it a much cleaner feel. But then….

We started getting some grumbles from our expert-level users that it is kind of a pain in the butt to expand the boxes they are so used to seeing expanded. To please both sets of needs, we created the “Expand All” button, which you’ll find to the top right of the job settings screen. Click on that bad boy and boom. Expanded.

“Un-Approve Job” Button

While we love hearing from our clients, we noticed the frequency of emails and calls requesting that we un-approve a certain job number for various reasons. Maybe the user mixed up the recipient address with the return address or forgot to include an important attachment, or any number of reasons. We decided to put the power to un-approve a job in the hands of the user that created the job. Please note you can only un-approve a job if it hasn’t taken the next step in the automation process which is something we call “batching”.

In a nutshell, if your job has been batched, it’s been prepared for processing and mailing. In that case, you can’t un-approve yourself, but if you feel like there might be a chance our production team can snag it before it leaves our building, you can try reaching out to our help desk for interference. We won’t be able to give you a refund after the job has been batched, but we can stop it from being mailed if given enough warning.

“News/Blog” Button in the Main Menu

We love sharing knowledge, tips and tricks, how-to’s, and unique industry perspectives. The articles are available on the website, but until now, it wasn’t accessible from the user interface. We wanted to provide a quicker way for you to access this information too so you can continue learning right along with us. Our writers produce fresh, new content typically every other week. Keep checking in for the latest!

Updated Meter Page

Everyone understands things a little differently. One thing we know for sure is just because WE understand something doesn’t mean YOU understand it. We’re too close to the fire, so to speak. After fielding lots of questions about how to fund the meter, we realized some adjustments might be helpful.

We simplified it, removed some redundant info, and made our instruction page an easy-to-read, downloadable document. Hopefully this makes the payment process a little easier on everyone!

Zip Files

We serve a lot of clients that do one large mailing each month. Their PDF file can be quite hefty! We decided to open our document uploader up a little and now accepts zip files for your convenience.

Have a suggestion? Need some more guidance on a part of the current platform? We LOVE hearing from our customers so please, reach out to us!

By Nikki Stockham, Postalocity’s Client Onboarding Expert / Published MARCH 29TH, 2022


Like what we’re writing or want to see what else we can offer you? Check the links below!

Postalocity Blog – https://www.postalocity.com/news-blog/

Our Mailing Services – https://www.postalocity.com/types-of-mail/

CONTACT US – https://www.postalocity.com/contact-us/


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