How to Mail a Letter Online2 min read

user interface, online application, letter mailing program

If you’re on the prowl for an online letter mailing service, you’ve come to the right place!

We live in a fast-paced, constant world of change, especially lately. The challenges we’ve all faced over the past few years have most of us rethinking how to do some of core processes. How to print and process your business correspondence like statements, invoices, notices, etc. is high up on that list. I’d like to show you how to mail a letter online using Postalocity’s virtual mail room. Even more, I’d love to give you a custom estimate based on your specific needs. Contact me via email or call us at 316-260-2220!

Quick Guide to Mailing a Letter with Postalocity:

1) Sign up or sign in to your Postalocity account. Click Manual Build, then Start Building a Letter Job.

user interface, online application, letter mailing program

2) Next, upload your PDF and tell us where you want it to be mailed.

user interface, online mailing service, upload PDF, recipient address

3) Begin processing your job for approval by clicking the green Process Job button.

user interface, approval, process job button

4) Complete the approval process by viewing your proof, choosing your mail date, and paying.

user interface, approval process, proof, mail date, payment

You can pay with credit card or PayPal for immediate funding, or you can opt for mailing us a check or sending an ACH. You can also choose First Class postage, Marketing Mail/Standard postage (if applicable), Priority Mail, or Certified Mail. Regardless of your needs, Postalocity makes mailing a letter online quick, easy, and affordable. Contact us today with any questions.

You can also watch our How-To video for a more detailed walk through:

By Nikki Stockham, Postalocity’s Client Onboarding Expert / Published JUNE 15TH, 2022


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